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When was the last time you tried something new?


Do you play it safe?

It’s easy to fall into a routine and do things, go places and see stuff that we are familiar with. Besides, familiarity and comfort often go hand in hand.

Looking to change things up? There are many ways to mix it up and challenge yourself. For example, sign up for a new class or joining a new social group. Maybe even start volunteering for a new cause.

According to health professional Katherine Zeratsky, Trying new things leads to increased confidence and self-esteem. It also reduces boredom and loneliness, and it’s a major driver in personal growth too. Here are some ways to build your confidence:

Overcome fear
It’s common to fear the unknown and any new adventure involves some of that. But don’t give up because you’re too shy or feel like you’re inadequate, or scared of failing. Instead, see this new thing as an experiment.

Build on past successes
Think about your past experiences; how did you make things work? What you did ahead of time to help make the experience successful?

Build on strengths
Think of the areas you do naturally well in your life and consider trying something in those areas. It will also help you with confidence.

Approach with curiosity
Instead of approaching new things with caution, try approaching unfamiliar things with curiosity and wonderment.

Find the fun
When trying new things, focus on having fun. Besides, the more fun you have, the more likely you are to stick with this new thing over the long term.

What new thing did you try recently?

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