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What’s your favourite season of the year?


Choosing a favourite season might be difficult for you — they might all have something to offer that is special and unique.

Take summer for example, it’s by far the warmest season of the year. It brings with it months of rain in some parts while other areas watch as rivers and lakes dry up and grass turns from green to brown. But summer is also a season many look forward to because of those seemingly endless hours of daylight, which lead to lots of outdoor social activities.

You might prefer the cooler months like autumn, when the leaves turn and begin to fall from the trees. The different colours create a magnificent patchwork across the landscape. There is an unmistakeable crispness in the air and a sense of calm that descends when the season changes this way.

Alternatively you might take comfort in shorter days and cold winds; you might relish the opportunity to wear big coats and light crackling fires. Hello winter! There is a drama with being able to say ‘winter is coming’ and it has nothing to do with Game of Thrones. You might enjoy the late sunrises and early sunsets, or the comfort food that becomes a staple of your daily diet. You don’t have to worry about your ‘bikini body’ in winter, and no one talks about dieting during the winter months because it’s almost expected you’ll go into hibernation like a bear.

Then there is spring — the life, birth and rebirth. There are plants that bloom full of colour, animals come to life and there is this overall sense of everything feeling ‘alive’ during the spring time. People enjoy the outside again, without the sweltering temps that summer brings and the sports you have followed since the start of the season come to a dramatic end.

What is your favourite season, and why? Tell us.

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