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What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?


It can be a bit vulnerable for a person to confess they like something about you, especially if part of that confession involves physically coming up to you and telling you so.

With that in mind, if you are on the receiving end of a compliment try not to deny it or refuse it. Think of how courageous it was for that person to give it to you.

The simplest, and often most polite, response is to say, “Thank you”.

Sure, it might feel a little bit strange (more so if it’s come from someone you don’t know) but accepting the compliment is the right thing to do.

You might not agree with what that person has said, yet you are acknowledging them in that moment.

It’s nice to get compliments — from your family, your friends, from colleagues and even from the occasional stranger. A compliment can brighten your day and make you feel good about yourself.

Taking the time to give a compliment, particularly if it is well received, can also make you feel good. Giving a compliment is a nice way of getting someone’s attention, and you can take comfort in acknowledging the appearance, consideration or effort of another person.

Have you ever given a compliment? What was the nicest compliment you ever received?

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