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What p*sses me off: The demise of language everywhere!

Mar 16, 2014

I am an over 60 and right now, lots of things are pissing me off!

I do not watch telly, as I cannot stand the ads or the Americanisms. I do not have the radio on at home either. I have my computer and I read the news. I listen to the talk back radio in the car on my way to work. Some things really annoy me in my old age.



Has anyone else noticed how most of the commentators, sports people or people being interviewed on radio always start their conversation off with “Look” and continue “I mean”, “like I said” and the conversations are all peppered with ‘”yer know”, “ummm”, “err”. That’s all I hear. I have to turn off the radio and talk to myself!

When it comes to books… I do read a lot of books. I have not bought an e reader or whatever but I am still thinking about it. I love books. I have 11 overflowing bookcases in the house. What does make me mad is the word “gotten” has crept into the English and Aussie books. Yes I know it’s an old English word but the English have not used it for decades. Yes Americans have adopted it and use it. Now I come across it in books written by English and Aussie writers and it is so annoying. So fake. I was reading The Seamstress, a novel by Maria Duenas. A lovely thick book. The story is based in Spain and Morocco and Daniel Hahn translated it into English. Its not translated into English its translated into American! Gotten is on almost every page. I cannot finish it because it annoys me so much.

Also has anyone noticed how there are so many spelling mistakes in the newspaper and even in books that have been proof read and on the computer ? Not to mention the loss of the apostrophe thanks to texting! The local suburb of Beerliar has a new Lotto agency. Beliar Lotto Shop!

Am I being pedantic in my old age? Do you feel like we are lazy with our language in all forms of communication? 


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