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What are the best hangover cures

Jan 01, 2014

Today it is New Years day and many of us may be waking up with a sore head and a hangover… But what are the best cures?

Some recommend greasy food, water is a must, perhaps multivitamins too. What is your secret cure?

I friend of mine who is a nurse tells me that sports drinks and potato chips help put the electrolytes back into your system.

Others recommend the “sweat it out” mentality with a healthy dose of exercise to get rid of all the toxins in your system.

I personally like ginger ale to help settle an upset stomach. I have also heard that a Bloody Mary helps but I am not that game!

Bananas, coffee and pain killers are others that are tried and tested.

A beach swim is also incredibly refreshing and seems to cut through a hangover.

Share your thoughts with us today… What is your secret hangover cure?



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