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How many people do you truly love?


Love is a funny thing, isn’t it?

It can appear in our lives in an instant, whether it’s through the birth of your child or grandchild or the addition of a new family pet.

It can bring us great highs and great lows too, as we build bonds with the people closest to us and sometimes, unfortunately, watch those bonds break down over time.

When it comes down to it though, there are usually a few people who make the list time and time again.

These people are always there for you and have stuck by you through thick and thin.

They can be old friends and sometimes new friends; partners, parents, children, brothers, sisters and cousins… The list goes on!

Often it’s the people who we know we can count on at the end of the day and who we would drop everything for to help if they needed it.

So who would make it onto your list?

How many people do you truly love?

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