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Do you colour your hair?


Hair colour is one of the most effective anti-ageing tools we have. Enhancing your hair colour as you age is an easy way to keep you looking young and fresh but if you get it wrong, it can also be a bit disastrous! Do you dye your hair?

A common mistake for women when they start to dye their hair to hide your greys is trying to look too young. If you dye it too dark, the colour can create the illusion of more fine lines and wrinkles. Plus, when your hair starts to grow, the re-growth line becomes more apparent. Straying too far form your natural shade is risky.Opt for a warm tone or add subtle highlights to create the dimension of an all-over dark hue.

Another colouring problem is going too light and so it comes across as grey. It’s just as important to maintain a certain level of contrast between your hair colour and skin tone. You don’t want to look washed out. Whether you decide to cover up grey hairs or not, there’s not doubt that the secret to looking good at any age is feeling comfortable in your own skin. Forget the rules and focus on the styles that flatter your best bits!

How do you like to style your hair? When was the last time you went to the salon?

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