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What does the 75th anniversary Batman logo look like?


In two days it will be the 75th anniversary of DC’s original Batman comic release. To celebrate this there are a range of events going on but most importantly, they’ve unveiled the anniversary Batman logo…



What do you think of the iconic logo’s remake? 

Batman first appeared in the comic book, Detective Comics #27 released on March 30, 1939, featuring artwork by Bob Kane and a script by Bill Finger. Batman then emerged from the shadows to become the world’s most popular Super Hero and has dominated all media since then.

Batman has lead to feature films, TV shows, radio shows, video games, games, publishing nad merchandise making it a highly sucessfull entertainment franchise.

As part of the celebrations, DC Entertainment have commissioned an exclusive art exhibit called, “Cape/Cowl/Create” featuring over 20 interpretations of the Dark Knight’s iconic cowl headpiece and cape from a range of contemporary artists.

Warner Bros. Entertainment will also be holding a series of sponsored events promoting the anniversary all year long.  They will also be releasing a DVD series of the very original 1966 series which will be the first time in history these have been converted to in-home entertainment. This year will also mark the beginning of production for the Warner Bros. Entertainment Batman/Superman sensation bringing these two superhero icons together on the screen for the first time!

To commemorate the timeless success of Batman, July 23 will become the inaugural Batman Day and DC will be partnering with comic shops, bookstores and libraries across the country to hold parties and give away special edition Batman comics.

So, will you be getting into the Batman celebrations? When was the first time you read or watched anything ‘Batman’?  

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