How to prevent receding gums and inflammation

When brushing your teeth, you may have noticed that your gums have receded or become inflamed. This doesn’t have to be just a normal part of ageing, although it is more common in people over 50. Over time, your teeth shift and you lose bone, forcing your gums up. This movement and pressure can cause inflammation if you don’t carefully brush and maintain your oral health.

Your teeth might look shorter and your bottom teeth might have bigger gaps between them. These gaps can cause bacteria to grow, starting an infection that can lead to tooth loss and other health issues.

Here’s how to restore your gum health naturally, starting today.

1. Green tea

We all know about the health benefits of green tea but did you know one of them is preventing periodontal disease? Green tea has catechins, an antioxidant that helps combat even the existing periodontal disease. These catechins in your green tea will strengthen the bond between your gums and teeth. The anti-inflammatory properties of green tea will also reduce the swelling of gums that obstruct the proper healing of your gums and oral diseases.

Make a cup of refreshing green tea for yourself every morning to stop receding gums.

2. Aloe vera

Anti-inflammatory agent aloe vera has great cell repairing capabilities so when it comes to receding gums, aloe vera not only reduces the inflammation of gums but also activates the cells that are important for repair of tissues. Aloe vera also has anti-bacterial properties that help keep the infections away from your mouth.

Twice a day, after brushing and flossing, take some aloe vera gel on your toothbrush and brush your teeth and gums again. Wash your mouth properly after finishing. Alternatively, you can use aloe vera gel as a mouthwash.

3. Oil pulling with sesame oil

Oil pulling is one of the most effective traditional treatments for receding gums. The anti-inflammatory and many other properties of sesame oil helps remove toxic elements from your mouth along with reducing plaque buildup.

To start oil pulling, warm the sesame oil a little then pour into your mouth after you’ve brushed. Swirl and swish the oil all around your mouth for several minutes then expel.

4. Oil pulling with coconut oil

Coconut oil has excellent antimicrobial properties and is great at preventing and treating any oral infections. Bacterial and other oral infections cause gum recession, making coconut oil a great remedy to combat it.

To start oil pulling, warm the coconut oil a little then pour into your mouth after you’ve brushed. Swirl and swish the oil all around your mouth for several minutes then expel.



5. Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus is an effective germicide and thus kills all the germs in your mouth to protect you from oral diseases that lead to gum recession. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it also reduces the swelling in your gums. Make sure never to apply it undiluted as it is too strong for the soft tissue of your gums.

Get this:

Eucalyptus oil- 1-2 drops
Water- 1-2 tbsp
Do this:

Add the 1-2 drops eucalyptus oil to the 1-2 tbsp water and mix well. Then, dip your toothbrush in this diluted oil and massage your gums gently.

6. Salt water

Salt is another effective remedy for swollen gums. It inhibits growth of bacteria in the mouth and prevents infections that may contribute to several oral health issues.

After brushing your teeth, gently rub your gums with salt for a few seconds. Rinse it off with warm water. Do this once daily.

7. Turmeric

Turmeric is also a great home remedy for swollen gums. It contains curcumin, which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce pain, swelling and inflammation. In addition, it prevents the spread of bacterial activity that causes several oral problems.

Mix 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric powder with a little water to make a paste and apply on the gums with your clean finger. Leave for 5 minutes, then massage gently for 1 minute, and rinse.


Tips to maintain your oral health:

  • Brush and floss regularly, especially after meals.
  • Avoid brushing too roughly as it may irritate your gums.
  • Replace your toothbrush every three months and use only soft-bristled toothbrushes.
  • Avoid very hot or very cold food and beverages.
  • Avoid tobacco products and alcohol as they can exacerbate the swelling.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stimulate the production of saliva, which naturally helps kill bacteria.
  • Reduce stress as it may worsen your condition.
  • Visit your dentist at least once every six months for a checkup.


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