Turning a lifelong passion into a new career

Starts at 60 regularly explores career options for those eager to continue work into their 60s and beyond. Here’s a fascinating option for those eager to take their visual flair to the next level.

Whether you’re continuing to work out of necessity or simply prefer to keep busy, life after 60 can be a challenging time to find a new career.

However, with the right pathways and training, it can also be a wonderful opportunity to develop brand new skills and begin a new job – even start a new business – on your own terms.

One very versatile skill set is in interior design and decorating. If you have (or are keen to develop) a passion for colour and arrangement, here’s a possibility we believe could make an enormous difference for your future…

builders-academy-brochureClick here to download a brochure, or read on for more information.

Interior design is a surprisingly versatile field in which many over-60s – particularly older women – are now finding a new calling.

Builders Academy Australia is offering an extremely flexible and thorough course to help you take this budding interest further.

Career pathways range from the practical and hands-on to the creative and high-concept, opening up opportunities in:

  • Deigning or renovating homes and businesses
  • Arranging decoration for property sales
  • Crafting creative and practical shop layouts

No matter what your existing skill set, this is a great way to hone your passions into a formal, employable discipline.

And with the invaluable contacts, career advice and industry knowledge you’ll pick up along the way, you’ll be able to hit the ground running. 

Are you considering a new career? Is this a pathway you – or somebody you know – would consider? 

builders-brochure builders-call

This post is sponsored by Builders Academy*. It was written as we believe it delivers valuable vocation insights into a subject important to the Starts at 60 community. For more information, please visit the Builders Academy website.

*House of Learning Pty Ltd trading as Builders Academy Australia
National RTO Code 21583 – ABN 21 144 869 634 – A part of the Simonds group of companies

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